Gaming meets Classroom

An educators classroom is very much like many video games that children play.  There are rules of play, constant assessment and feedback, skill and content tutorials to effectively play, engaging goals, allowing "cheat codes", or in the educational vernacular a secret guide that helps the student along, and many more.  Here are a couple of sites that talk about gaming as it relates to education.

Youtube EDU

Just like iTunesU, Youtube has stepped up to the educational plate and started their own educational video service.

Help me with my mission

I am on a mission to change the very fabric of education. This tapestry has always been woven in the image of the teacher, but future fashion dictates that it must be woven by the student. What are your thoughts on this statement?

Removing Educational Botox

Our educational system needs more than a facelift, it needs to be reinvented from the lesson plan up.

How's my teaching?

The question assumes that teaching is the center of the educational process, whereas progressive thought on education says that more education takes place outside of the classroom than in.  Teachers who's methods of instruction are 90% directive and 10% interractive are retarding our students ability to learn.  Students are getting a much higher brand of education when they are empowered with domestic technologies that allow them comfortably communicate and role play.